
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart welcomes those who seek to celebrate a funeral of a loved one in the Basilica. Persons with the following ties to the University may have a Catholic funeral Mass in the Basilica:

  • An alumnus (or spouse of an alumnus)
  • Current member of the University faculty or staff (employed by the university at the time of death)
  • Emeritus faculty member (faculty with “emeritus” status, not those who left Notre Dame for other employment)
  • A registered member of Sacred Heart parish, as confirmed by the parish

We ask that everyone involved respect the following policies regarding funeral liturgies in the Basilica. These policies adhere to guidelines set forth by the Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, and respect the various other ministries and sacraments which take place daily in the Basilica.

  • The funeral liturgy must take place in the nave and should not exceed one hour in length.
  • Funerals may take place at 9:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday only, and subject to the Basilica's availability. 
  • For the diocesan policies regarding eulogies and words of remembrance, please see the guidelines linked below. Eulogies for the deceased are appropriate for funeral luncheons or possibly for wake services, but not for the funeral Mass itself. We ask that any priest presiding at a funeral in the Basilica faithfully and dutifully adhere to these and all diocesan policies while in the Basilica.
  • A funeral with cremated remains only may be celebrated in the Log Chapel upon request. The Log Chapel holds no more than 30 people. No funerals are to be celebrated in any other campus chapels.


  • John Zack, University Sacristan, +1 574-631-9050